Lisbeth is an visuel storyteller who has opened a door to her inner universe for the world to see. A universe that reveals a lifetime of impressions that have been tucked away in remote corners of her mind. Fueled by her interaction with nature, music – and people around her. Processed by a creative and ultra perceptive soul. And now they’re out in the open. Captured and converted to people and animals. So still, yet so alive and with a vulnerability that touches even the toughest viewer. The paintings pull you in and make you go though an emotional turmoil, ignited by a common reference.

Lisbeth’s feelings are, in fact, your own feelings. Her experience becomes your own. Because you have been there too. You know it, the instant you connect with the person in the frame. That person becomes you. Disturbing, yet liberating. You know that you’re not alone with those feelings anymore. Everything will be all right.

My newest exhibition is called ICONs and is a story about iconic women throughout history that have lost life or opportunities only due to the fact they where women.


I have worked together with the danish author and sociology Anette Prehn that have put words to the painting and given the women a new voice.  

After the next exhibition we will make a coffee-table-book of all the stories and paintings. You can sign up for a signed copy already. Send us an reservation

Read what artcritic and artblogger Connie Boe Boss wrote about ICONs part 1

ICON's are currently on exhibition i Galleri Nijenkamp, Odense. But will be mowing to Copenhagen for a artsalon in my home and workstudio in August 22th to 24th. Sign up for personal invitation here:

It's Ok Now


I am represented by:

Galleri Nijenkamp

Bredbjergvej 48
5230 Odense M

Tel. + 45 28901128

However you are always welcome to visit my studio on Dampfærgevej 24, please call my on +4526721504 or mail me here, for an appointment..


In my home and workstudio

in cooperation with

Dampfærgevej 24 C, 1 mf

22. - 24. august 2024

Torsdag den 22. august kl. 16.00 – 19.00

Fredag den 23. maj kl. 16.00 – 20.00

Lørdag den 24. maj kl. 11.00 – 15.00

Artweek Kerteminde

Lundsgård Gods, Kertemine

22. - 29. Juni 2024

Read more about the fair here

I have joined the Danish Society for Nature Conservation (Danmarks Naturfredningsforening) in the fight to save some of the endangered species in Denmark, the animals have no voice themselves, we cannot hear their cries for help, so I will be that voice through my art. I have painted 4 painting of 4 different endangered animals, the cod, the sky lark, the Glanville Fritillary butterfly and the very small and very cute dormouse.

I have also made 30 ps. unique gold Icons, signed and numbered of each painting. And 20% of the sales profit will be donated to DN. The opening wine reception was opened by the DN president Maria Reumert Gjerding and also generously attended by the Norwegian ambassador Katja Christina Nordgaard.