Lisbeth Lunda is a figurative artist who creates works that both challenge and inspire. Her work explores human emotions and relationships through colors, shapes, and textures, and her approach to art is deeply personal, driven by a desire to communicate what is often difficult to put into words.
The ICONs series, painted in 2023 and 2024, honors women who have lost something—life or opportunities—simply because they were women. The series features portraits of historical figures such as Elizabeth I, Mary Jane Ginger, who was murdered by Jack the Ripper, and Hildegard of Bingen. Each woman in ICONs reflects the loss they experienced while also celebrating their strength and resilience. The series is a tribute to these women and their untold stories.
In 2025, she began a new series, Female Thoughts, which explores the inner existential thoughts and emotions people experience in an increasingly chaotic and intangible world. Through her works, she seeks to give a visual voice to the internal conflicts and reflections that shape human existence.
She works with acrylic and mixed media on canvas, as well as on paper, and always incorporates gold leaf as a signature element, which has become one of her artistic trademarks. Her art is an invitation to reflection, contemplation, and new perspectives in a world that is constantly changing.
The Art Fair // Kunst For Alle - Copenhagen - Artfair
Galleri Haraldur – Ordrup, Denmark - group exhibition
Åben Kunstnerhus//Open artist house, ICONs in Copenhagen
Artweek Kerteminde - Lundsgård Gods - Kerteminde - group exhibition
Galleri Nijenkamp, Odense, ICONs part 2
The Art Fair // Kunst For Alle - Århus - Artfair
The Art Fair // Kunst For Alle - Copenhagen - Artfair
Galleri Bredgade 22, Copenhagen, ICONs part 1- solo exhibition
Artweek Kerteminde - Lundsgård Gods - Kerteminde - group exhibition
Galleri Haraldur – Ordrup, Denmark - solo exhibition
The Art Fair // Kunst For Alle - Copenhagen - Artfair
Ran Gallery, Copenhagen, SILENT CRY in cooperation with Danish Society for Nature Conservation - solo exhibition
Artweek Kerteminde - Lundsgård Gods - Kerteminde - group exhibition
The Art Fair // Kunst For Alle - Århus - Artfair
Farum Kulturhus - Farum, Denmark, CONVERSATTION & SEE-SOUL-SOUND - soloexhibition
Galleri Haraldur – Ordrup, Denmark - solo exhibition
The Art Fair // Kunst For Alle - Copenhagen - Artfair
Galleri Bredgade 22, Copenhagen, SEE-SOUL-SOUND II- solo exhibition
Missisippi Kunst og Kultur, Thyholm, Denmark - group exhibition
Galleri Bredgade 22, Copenhagen, SEE-SOUL-SOUND I - solo exhibition
Artfair Kunst 2100 - Dokken, Copenhagen - Artfair
Gallery Global Gathering - Tianjin city – China - group exhibition
Artfair Creative Mind - Dokken, Copenhagen - Artfair
Old Brompton Gallery - London - solo exhibition - See the 3D version here
Galleri Bredgade 22 - Copenhagen, CONVERSATIONS II - solo exhibition
Gallery Saphere Aude - Copenhagen - group exhibition
Gallery Global Gathering - Tianjin city – China - group exhibition
The Art Fair // Kunst For Alle - Copenhagen - Artfair
Galleri Bredgade 22 - Copenhagen - Break Cancer group exhibition
Gallery Saphere Aude - Copenhagen - group exhibition
Galleri Bredgagde 22 - Copenhagen, CONVERSATIONS I, solo exhibition
Copyright © Lunda Original Artwork