Lisbeth Lunda (born 1967 in Broenderslev, Denmark)

is an educated art director with 25+ years’ experience in the advertising industry after which she changed gear. She is a graphic designer, a digital artist and now in full bloom as a self-taught painter with focus on big-framed acrylics/mixes media. Lunda Lunda currently lives and works in Copenhagen, and in her contryhouse in Gilleleje, where she can get really close to the nature.

Lunda has opened a door to her inner universe for the world to see. A universe that reveals a lifetime of impressions that have been tucked away in remote corners of her mind. Fueled by her interaction with nature, music – and people around her. Processed by a creative and ultra perceptive soul. And now they’re out in the open. Captured and converted to people and animals. So still, yet so alive and with a vulnerability that touches even the toughest viewer. The paintings pull you in and make you go though an emotional turmoil, ignited by a common reference. Lunda’s feelings are, in fact, your own feelings. Her experience becomes your own. Because you have been there too. You know it, the instant you connect with the person in the frame. That person becomes you. Disturbing, yet liberating. You know that you’re not alone with those feelings anymore. Everything will be all right. 

Since 2023, Lunda has worked on the project called ICON's. But it all started back in 2017 with the grusome murder of Kim Wall was and later In 2022 where Mia Skadhauge Stev was murdered i simulary grusome way.

Both stories hit Lunda so hard that she cried over the terrible fate of these two young beautiful women and just couldn't get them out of my mind. And a sentence kept running around in her head. "Just because they were women!" This destiny became theirs, just because they were women.

And then she realized, the history is full of these women. Women whose fate was sealed by their gender.

 Women who lost their lives and opportunities for the sole reason that they were women. - ICON's is the story of these women.

And she have created a serial of beautiful modern icon paintings of these stories. And the talented sociologist and writer Anette Prehn has through her beautiful writing given the women a new voice in history


The project was ‘See-soul-sound’ (2020 - 2021) created in collaboration with Kasper Eistrup, the frontman of the Danish alternative rock band Kashmir. In this universe, the title of every painting corresponds to a Kashmir song, and the experience exploring the music and the lyrics together with the deep expressions of the vibrant creatures in the picture transfers the spectator into a whole new universe through a powerful symbiosis.




Galleri Nijenkamp, Odense, ICONs part 2

The Art Fair // Kunst For Alle - Århus - Artfair


The Art Fair // Kunst For Alle - Copenhagen - Artfair

Galleri Bredgade 22, Copenhagen, ICONs part 1- solo exhibition

Artweek Kerteminde - Lundsgård Gods - Kerteminde - group exhibition

Galleri Haraldur – Ordrup, Denmark - solo exhibition


The Art Fair // Kunst For Alle - Copenhagen - Artfair

Ran Gallery, Copenhagen, SILENT CRY in cooperation with Danish Society for Nature Conservation - solo exhibition

Artweek Kerteminde - Lundsgård Gods - Kerteminde - group exhibition

The Art Fair // Kunst For Alle - Århus - Artfair

Farum Kulturhus - Farum, Denmark, CONVERSATTION & SEE-SOUL-SOUND - soloexhibition


Galleri Haraldur – Ordrup, Denmark - solo exhibition

The Art Fair // Kunst For Alle - Copenhagen - Artfair

Galleri Bredgade 22, Copenhagen, SEE-SOUL-SOUND II- solo exhibition


Missisippi Kunst og Kultur, Thyholm, Denmark - group exhibition

Galleri Bredgade 22, Copenhagen, SEE-SOUL-SOUND I - solo exhibition

Artfair Kunst 2100 - Dokken, Copenhagen - Artfair

Gallery Global Gathering - Tianjin city – China - group exhibition


Artfair Creative Mind - Dokken, Copenhagen - Artfair

Old Brompton Gallery - London - solo exhibition  - See the 3D version here

Galleri Bredgade 22 - Copenhagen, CONVERSATIONS II - solo exhibition

Gallery Saphere Aude - Copenhagen - group exhibition

Gallery Global Gathering - Tianjin city – China - group exhibition


The Art Fair // Kunst For Alle - Copenhagen - Artfair

Galleri Bredgade 22 - Copenhagen - Break Cancer group exhibition

Gallery Saphere Aude - Copenhagen - group exhibition

Galleri Bredgagde 22 - Copenhagen, CONVERSATIONS I, solo exhibition